Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Նախագծին մասնակցող աշակերտների և նախագծի գաղափարի ներկայացում:

Great Personalities
Access this area in week 2 to share with other participants the names of the personalities that your students have chosen to research.
Also take this opportunity to find out with your students which personalities are being researched in other schools who are working on the same project! 


Bento Ferraz Great Personality

Zilda Arns is one great personality of our school... Here we have a photograph to show this gentle person...
Teacher Leila.
Foto Zilda Arns.jpg2.09 KB

Hi, I loved the great

I loved the great personalities chosen
Congratulations to all students in State College Barbosa Ferraz,
Flavio Estevão rooting for you. ;)
From: Amanda, Flávia  and Junior.

HI !!!!!!!!!!!! This

HI !!!!!!!!!!!!
This project is very significant, something that shows the culture andpersonalities of our country and others, where part of this idea.
For the creators of the project that had this idea are to be congratulated.
Matteus Doerner
Paulo fernando
Colegio Estadual Barbosa Ferraz
Ivaipora_ Parana_Brasil

           Hi! Fine work

Fine work performed by all of you!
Pedro Henrique.C. Carlos
Colegio Estadual Barbosa Ferraz !

HELLO!!! We find it very

We find it very interesting, very educational. The initiative of this project shows a little of the culture of each country and also helps develop foreign language. 
We wish you all a great result and good luck!
Students: Ana Paula Gomes, Bruna Romagnole, Patricia Fernandes Dias and Leticia.

Summary of the Hungarian GPs

Hi all,
here are the personalities we would like to introduce:
full name: Kodály, Zoltán
place and date of birth: Kecskemét, 16 December 1882
origin: Hungary
profession: composer, ethnomusicologist, teacher, linguist and philosopher
the reasons why they are a great / important personality: He is internationally best known as the creator of the Kodály Method. He created the opera: Háry János and Székelyfonó (The Spinning Room)
full name:Bartók, Béla
place and date of birth: Nagyszentmiklós, 25 March 1881
origin: Hungarian
profession: composer and pianist
the reasons why they are a great / important personality: He is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th as Hungary's greatest composer. He was one of the founders of ethnomusicology. In 1908, he and Kodály travelled into the countryside to collect and research old Magyar folk melodies.
full name: Széchenyi, István
place and date of birth: Bécs, 21 September 1791
origin: Hungary
profession: politician, theorist and writer
the reasons why they are a great / important personality: He was one of the greatest statesmen of Hungarian history, a great reformer. He was the leader of the project to regulate the River Danube. He supported the construction of the first permanent bridge between Buda and Pest, which is now called as "Széchenyi Lánchíd (Chain Bridge)".
full name: Rubik, Ernő
place and date of birth: Budapest, 13 July 1944
origin: Hungary
profession: a inventor, professor of architecture
the reasons why they are a great / important personality:. He is best known for the invention of mechanical puzzles including Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Magic, Rubik's Snake and Rubik's 360.
full name: Egerszegi, Krisztina (nick name: Egérke (Mouse))
place and date of birth: Budapest, 16 August 1974
origin: Hungary
profession: swimmer
the reasons why they are a great / important personality: She is a former world record holding swimmer and one of the greatest Hungarian Olympic champions of the modern era. She is a three time Olympian and five time Olympic champion; and one of two individuals to have ever won the same swimming event at 3 consecutive Summer Olympics.
And some pictures of some of the participating students :)
GP team 3
GP team 2

GP team 1

I'm happy!

I'm happy because I've learned how to put the image inside the text body... Uhuu!!
Kisses for everybody!!
Teacher Leila :)))

Armenia, High school #198


Our project has two parts: We are looking for famous people in our community and the great personalities with same profession in our country  and compare them to life, its role in our lives.
In our community Margaryan Lilit - painter, Armenuhi Grigoryan - choreographer and Zinaida Meliksetyan - poet.
High school students participate in the project.


We are a highschool from Lupeni,a small Romanian town.My students are very interested in working with students from other countries and taking part in international projects.The great personality they have chosen is Vlad Tepes(known as DRACULA)


Other groups of students have chosen Chico Anísio an important artist who died two weeks ago, Dercy Gonçalves another fantastic artist from TV, and Raul Seixas a famous singer. They are working hard to  adapt the great amount of research material they have found to the type of presentation they have chosen.
As a teacher, I'm very excited because in spite of the hard work they are still very motivated and trying to help each other exchanging opinions and experiences. And this opportunity is great.
Matheus (Oscar Niemeyer), Denise and Clara (Lula), Jonathan (Raul Seixas, Guilherme and Izadora (Lula), are the students who have presented the first works and are still working on it. Improving the text and the presentation forms.
Thank you!!

Sueli (teacher)

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